2022 Contract Opener
Our Contract “Opener” is linked below. It is a list of the top priorities for Air Wisconsin Flight Attendants, helping to provide a “road map” for continuing negotiations. The Opener was drafted by the Negotiating Committee following the results of the May 2022 Negotiations Survey, in order to best reflect the will of the membership. The Committee presented the Opener to management on the first day of the first negotiations session, August 16, 2022.
Survey and Swag for Our New Contract!

We are starting negotiations for a new contract. As a baseline, we all need and deserve more money. To achieve that, all Air Wisconsin Flight Attendants have to work together to ensure that our contract negotiations are successful:
Negotiations Survey: ON
By participating in the Negotiation Survey, your Negotiating Committee knows your priorities to negotiate the best contract.
AFA Pins: ON
Wearing the white AFA pin shows that we are proud AFA members. It also shows management that we are in solidarity for a new and improved AFA contract for Air Wisconsin Flight Attendants.
AFA Bag Tags: ON
No Air Wisconsin Flight Attendant suitcase is properly dressed without an AFA bag tag: Higher Pay. No Delay. Like the AFA pin, the bag tag is a public display of our support for a new and improved contract.
Negotiations Questions/Comments? Contact Us!